of Sembelance (N) nr 3 oppdrett
i NRR 2010
CH Bastic of Sembelance (N) DSM DVM
of Sembelance (N) Best Birman
breeder in Norway 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009
EC SW'02 Shakira of Sembelance
(N) Cat of the year 2003
PR IC JW She So High of
Sembelance (N) got the Fife Junior Winner title in 2004, Cat of
the year 2009
EC Knock Out of Sembelance (N)
DSM Cat of the year 2004
EP CH Bastic of Sembelance (N)
DSM Cat of the year neuter 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, nr 2 i
2007, 2008, nr 2 2009, nr 2 2010
EP CH Bastic of Sembelance (N)
DSM Cat of the year Senior 2008, 2009, 2010
EP CH SW'04 Scott of Sembelance
(N) DSM Cat of year no.2 2005, no.3 2007
EP GIC Louie of Sembelance (N)